Appalachian Trail Histories



This advertisement centers around the theme of friendship.

It underscores the gendered expectations surrounding outdoor involvement. The target users are men, outdoorsmen, but the audience is loved ones, including women. However, it is clear that the creators do not expect women to purchase the products for themselves. There is a concession that younger boys and girls would likely be involved.




Abercrombie & Fitch


Trail Cookware


Janet Hammond


Black and white image


Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers with Library of Congress,


No Known Copyright Restrictions,


Abercrombie & Fitch, “1920 Abercrombie & Fitch Newspaper Ad,” Appalachian Trail Histories, accessed January 20, 2025,

"The Lone Pine

SLIPPING away at Christmas time into the Land We Love, we are given a few days and nights to devote to life's faithful friends. To express that friendship we search for gifts with special meaning—recalling boyhood's valiant partnerships—the esteem that has grown under the genial influence of sport—the rugged regard of one real friend for another. 

Sentiment is simple, going direct from one heart to another; and the gift which bears it, costing little or much, must express a sympathetic understanding of the hobbies and tastes of the friend that receives it. 

This it is, with the approach of Christmas that makes the Abercrombie & Fitch store The Lone Pine among the nation's shops. It is the sportsman's landmark—the home of the gift of individuality. 

Throughout the establishment, with its unlimited selections, each rich in sentiment and merry in intent, there is the genuine thrill of the old-time Holidays, with their jingling sleighbells, their afternoons of sport and evening games around the big log fire.

For young men and old men, women that love the outdoors and women that love those that do, boys and girls of all degrees—for every friend and his friend, there are appropriate gifts."

Please note: This transcription reflects the main body of text on the advertisement and there is more text to read on the attached image.