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Photograph of a large group of members of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club during a hike on the Appalachian Trail in the early 1930s. Club co-founder Myron Avery is pictured to the left with his famous measuring wheel and Frank Schairer, another co-founder and the club's first supervisor of trails is to Avery's left with clippers draped over his head.
Myron Avery points out a trail location in the late 1930s. Pictured with Avery (pointing with an axe) are, from left, PATC members Howard Olmstead, Bob Beach, Dr. Laurence Schmeckebeier, and Mary Jo Williams.
Collection: Builders
Photograph of Benton MacKaye and Myron Avery at Bake Oven Knob, October 1931. This is the only known photograph of the two men together.
Collection: Builders
A transcript of the hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Roads, October 24, 1945, on a bill proposed by Congressman Daniel K. Hoch (Pennsylvania) to establish a "national system of foot trails." Hoch's proposal was made as an amendment to the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1944. The transcript includes the text of the amendment, as well as statements by Hoch, Myron Avery of the Appalachian Trail Conference, L. F. Schmeckbier of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club, as well as others in favor or or opposed to Hoch's amendment. The amendment, which failed to clear the committee, would have provided $50,000 per year for the acquisition of land or easements for up to 10,000 miles of foot trails in the United States.
Collection: Legislation